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Richland Bombers of the future
1949 Sacajawea Patrol Girls
Picture provided by Sally Kessell Chambers (’55wb)

Future classes of '55, '56 and possibly '57

BACK ROW: 1.Sally Kessell ('55), 2.Jan Barker ('55), 3.Deanna Case ('55), 4._______,
5.Patty Stewart ('55), 6.Sarah Powell ('55), 7.Jackie Craig ('55), 8.Supervising Teacher ??.

MIDDLE ROW: 1.Martha Pogue (?), 2._______, 3._______, 4._______, 5._______,
6.Pauline Armstrong ('55), 7.JeNealMartin ('55).

FRONT ROW: 1.Donna Davis ('55), 2.Edith Fairweather ('55), 3.Barbara Crawford ('55),
4.Carol Hughes ('55), 5._______, 6.Marilyn Poole ('??).

E-mail the webmaster with row and # if you can fill in any of these blanks

Rainbow Bar

ALL Bomber Alumni Links Alumni Sandstorm Club 40

Rainbow Bar


page started: 02/15/2006
page updated: 01/24/2011
Email the webmaster