Richland Bombers
Jason Lee Grade School
1956-1957 ~ Orchestra ~ Miss Just

Click the picture to see LARGER faces.
Picture provided by Susan Ward Gonzales ('65).

Future classes of 63, '64, '65 and '66.

BACK ROW: 1.Miss Just, Teacher, 2.Ray Stein ('64), 3.Sherri Ward ('63), 4._______, 5.Bob Alberts ('64), 6.Don Winston ('63).

THIRD ROW: 1._______, 2._______, 3.Mike Botu ('65), 4._______, 5.John Marshall ('65), 6._______, 7._______, 8.Larry Tew ('63), 9.Greg Boyd ('63), 10.Fred Tausch ('63), 11.John Coons ('63), 12.Chet LaBorde ('63), 13.Mike Schroeder ('63), 14._______, 15._______, 16.Steve Denler ('64), 17.John Perkins ('63).

SECOND ROW: 1._______, 2._______, 3._______, 4._______, 5._______, 6._______, 7._______, 8._______, 9._______, 10.Susan Ward ('65), 11.Peggy Ott ('65), 12._______, 13._______, 14._______, 15._______, 16._______, 17._______, 18._______, 19._______.

FRONT ROW: 1._______, 2.Marie Durbin ('63), 3._______, 4.Kathy Dickeman ('65), 5.Marcia Dickeman (66), 6.Bill Didway ('66), 7.Derry Granquist ('64), 8.Tommy Krammer ('63), 9.LeeAnn Graybeal ('66), 10._______, 11._______, 12.Diane Murphy ('65), 13.Cecelia Bennett ('65), 14._______, 15.Sandi Ward ('66), 16.Charlotte Rahmig ('66), 17._______, 18.________, 19.Stan Hosack ('64).

E-mail me with row and # if you have corrections or can fill in the blanks.

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Last updated: 07/04/19
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